Meet Anthony
Anthony - The man with the Dream
What kind of person runs such a successful café chain? What does it take to open four businesses in 12 years? You have to be someone that is driven, detail-oriented and extremely customer-experience-focussed. Anthony is all those qualities and more. He is extraordinarily passionate about coffee and food, though he loves the gym, the ocean, and just spending time appreciating this amazing city. However, his busy social and fitness life always play second fiddle to his work, to the flavours he creates for his Bunbury and Australind patrons.
When Anthony was 21, he knew he could do it. After working in hospitality since he was 18, he knew he could build his own cafe that would be a thriving local hub. He takes pride in holding a discerning palate, possessing genuine talent with food and its presentation, yet never forgetting his roots. He keeps himself real, no matter his successes. Anthony had always admired how cafes in Sydney and Melbourne could create such beautiful combinations of food, coffee, decor and culture, how they combined elements of the ‘ultra cool’ with family-friendly features. So he got to work, and he has never stopped. As an entrepreneur, constant improvement is Anthony's motto. He is a firm believer that something can always be refined, and he spends every waking moment imagining how to give Bunbury-Geographe locals (and their dogs) a better dining experience, thus allowing his businesses to fulfil their true potential. He has a love of personal development, of succeeding where others say he can’t, and after the year that has been, 2021 is full of ambitious goals. He has no doubt that he will meet and exceed the exacting standards of the South West public. He intends to impress you, every step of the way.